Anne Waisanen

Owner and Professional Organizer

Hi there, welcome to Wise Organizing! My name is Anne Waisanen, and I am a professional organizer and the owner of Wise Organizing.

I have loved, and continue to love, helping people find joy in living and working in an organized, clutter-free environment. I find that once your space is decluttered and everything has a place, all aspects of your life can improve – you have more time to have fun and play, improved focus and relationships, and peace of mind. Simply put, you wind up with more room in your life for what truly matters to you. I experienced this firsthand years ago when I did a deep dive into all that owned and cleaned out my home – it created room for new and enhanced relationships, a clearer vision of my career, calmed my mind, and allowed more time for volunteering and hobbies. It was life changing.

Raised in St. Louis, I went on to graduate from Marquette University and then called Chicago home for 10+ years while working in theater and earning an MBA at Loyola University Chicago. I moved to San Diego with my husband, a now retired US Naval officer, and we moved six times in nine years throughout his naval career. While oftentimes overwhelming, it was a wonderful experience meeting new people and living in and exploring different regions of the United States including southern California, the DC region, the Pacific Northwest, and New England. After his retirement from the Navy, we moved to my husband’s hometown of Cheboygan, Michigan. We have a young son and two labradors.

I continue to work part time managing marketing and public relations for Broadway touring productions while working with organizing clients. I am a member of the American Society of Professional Organizers (ASPO) and the Pro-Organizer Studio community. I also completed the KonMari certificate program in 2021.

A Few of My Favorite Things

  • Fresh Cut Flowers

    Fresh Flowers on the Counter

  • Smores

    Fireside Smores

  • Travel Planning

    Organizing Vacations

  • Yard Work and Gardening

    Yard Work & Gardening

  • Camera


  • Architecture
