10 Kitchen Organization Hacks to Support Wellness Goals

Over the past few years, I’ve developed (and uncovered) many food intolerances and allergies that have been plaguing me with a multitude of symptoms for years. I worked closely with a nutritionist in 2023 to find foods that nourish me while staying away from the many foods I can’t/shouldn’t eat. Now that our kitchen renovation is complete, I’ve been organizing my kitchen and meal planning process to set myself up for success in maintaining my wellness goals. I’ve implemented the following kitchen hacks to encourage healthier eating habits in my home, and if you are looking to make changes, I hope these help you, too.

  1. Empty the pantry of expired food and food that doesn’t support your wellness goals. Also remove food that you know you won’t eat so it doesn't take up physical and mental space.

  2. Dedicate healthy food zones in your pantry and fridge by placing healthy snacks/food at eye level.

  3. This is a hot topic, so get ready… I recommend decanting pantry staples in clear, airtight containers. This not only keeps food fresh but allows you to easily see what needs to be restocked. In addition, decanting eliminates visual clutter to create a calming space that reduces stress. Only do this if you will maintain decanting – don’t create stress for yourself.

  4. Keep fruit like bananas, apples, and oranges easily accessible by placing them in a bowl on the counter to encourage healthy snacking on the go.

  5. Have reuseable food storage containers on hand to help with batch cooking and prepping healthy lunches.

  6. Buy frozen produce so you always have vegetables and fruit on hand in a pinch.

  7. Meal planning is a time saver and eliminates the temptation to order in or go out to eat after a long day at work. Over the weekend, create a meal plan for the upcoming week and add the food/ingredients to a grocery list - your grocery shopping and meals are set for the week ahead.

  8. If you are making a healthy meal that can be frozen, double the recipe and freeze the leftovers for an easy dinner when you don’t have time to cook (or just don’t want to cook) – your future self will thank you.

  9. Utilize curbside pickup or delivery for groceries. You save time and money, can order from anywhere via the app on your phone (flexibility!), and eliminate impulse buys.

  10. Be kind to yourself – success with wellness goals doesn’t happen overnight and takes time.

Don’t be afraid to make changes. Cooking and wellness goals are ever-evolving, so your organizational systems will change as well. You got this!


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