2022 Wrap Up

In the hustle of wrapping up Christmas and thinking ahead to the New Year, I often forget to look back at the past year and acknowledge strides I made (even baby steps - hey, every step is progress!!). So in an effort to change that and acknowledge my wins, I am sharing what I am most proud of for 2022:


After years of wanting to organize as a profession, started Wise Organizing in Newport and relaunched in Michigan.

Left a part time job in Newport ahead of our move, proud of the work I accomplished and hopeful that the office will continue to move into the future with the groundwork I laid.

Took an online course (with homework!) to prepare for a future business endeavor (to hopefully come to fruition in 2023 or 2024).

Family & Home

Found my son the quality caregiving he deserves after issues with childcare.

Took a deep breath (with my husband's support of course) and purchased our Cheboygan house seen only through video chat.

Sold our Rhode Island home with three offers in 24 hours. Real estate is bonkers, y'all.

Managed a move from Newport, RI to Cheboygan, MI


Slowed down (a bit) to enjoy weekends and family time and worked to be more present.

Recognized signs that my anxiety was increasing and becoming difficult to manage as normal. I am in the midst of taking control and prioritizing my mental health.

Started working with a nutritionist to address a long list of food allergies and intolerances that have affected my body and overall wellbeing.

So, tell me... What are you most proud of for 2022? Comment below and let’s celebrate the small and big wins today!

Happy New Year's Eve, friends!


My Year to Declutter


Spice Organization