2023 Vision Board

2023 Vision Board

Today is National Vision Board Day! Apparently, there is a day for EVERYTHING! Anyhew… I have a lot of intentions and goals for 2023 and see this year as a new beginning for every aspect of my life since our move in September. While creating my vision board I pulled from various guides to put together my word and mantra for the year and goals for Personal Growth, Career, Health, Travel and Books.

My word for the year is ROUTINE. With all the recent changes in my life, I want and crave routine at home and in my business. My mantra for the year is ROUTINE SIMPLICITY – basically, keep it simple this year. I want to ensure the day-to-day to-do’s are routine enough that they become as automatic as brushing my teeth twice a day; by accomplishing this I hope to free up time and mental energy to focus on big picture ideas and important people in my life.

While creating my vision board for the year, I took a deep dive into what my dream life looks like; I want to sit on the deck with a cup of coffee, have more fireside chats with family and friends, unpack fully and clean out the house to make it feel lighter, give back to my new community, and slow down. I also looked at how I want to feel this year; I want to be present with those around me (cut down on cell phone usage), energized and not mentally overwhelmed, curious enough to brush up on my old hobby of photography, and make time to learn a bit about interior design as we take on our new addition to the house. I want to get back to date nights and family weekends with the three of us, and of course some short vacations. It’s a lot, but all doable.

I feel good about 2023! Keep scrolling down to see my vision boards and share your intentions for 2023 in the comments.


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