Essential Moving Tips
anne waisanen anne waisanen

Essential Moving Tips

The military is approaching PCS (Permanent Change of Station) busy season and because of the pandemic and delayed moves, this PCS season is shaping up to be extra busy. Also, with interest rates still low, real estate is booming in many areas with people snatching up properties in various areas of the country…

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Decluttering 101
anne waisanen anne waisanen

Decluttering 101

I recently started thinking a lot about clutter, the benefits of editing down belongings, and the importance of being surrounded by what you need and enjoy. It seems Americans are always looking for more. We can order anything on apps. We are continually being advertised to via social media influencers and ads, billboards, magazines, and television. It does not stop. We are being told we need this and that and this thing is better than what was purchased two years ago…

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