Eco-Friendly Household Swaps

With Earth Day next week and climate change being top of mind, I want to share some easy swaps and changes we can all make at home to reduce our impact on the planet and be a bit eco-friendlier. Here are some ideas:

  1. Reusable Bags. Many stores still use single use plastic bags that often wind up in landfills and in our oceans and lakes. Consider investing in reusable bags made from natural products. Another benefit of using reusable bags is that they are more durable so no more bag breaks as you carry groceries into your home.

  2. Buy Bulk. If you have the space and ability to purchase items in bulk, bulk items use less packaging resulting in less waste. Bonus – you oftentimes can save money when buying in bulk.

  3. Bamboo Kitchen Towels. Replace your paper towels with bamboo kitchen towels. They are not only machine washable and reusable, but bamboo is eco-friendly and grown without pesticides. Plus, one roll of 20 bamboo kitchen towels replaces 60 rolls of paper towels, saving you money while being eco-friendly.

  4. Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products. Many household cleaners contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment and your health. Consider making the switch to cleaning products made from natural ingredients like vinegar and baking soda. Also, eco-friendly products usually have essential oils so your home will smell amazing while being free of harmful chemicals.

  5. Natural Personal Care Products. Many traditional personal care products contain harmful chemicals that can not only harm our health, but the environment. Consider natural and organic products for lotions, oils, and soaps – they also smell amazing!

  6. LED Light Bulbs. LED bulbs are more energy efficient and last longer than incandescent bulbs so your electric bill will be reduced along with your carbon footprint!

  7. Composting. Throwing food into the trash and landfill creates methane which is bad for the environment. Composting reduces greenhouse gas emissions while producing nutrient rich soil for gardens so your flowers and produce will thrive!

  8. Plant a Garden and Buy Local Produce. Grow your own produce or shop a local farmers market for fresh and seasonal food. You reduce your carbon footprint by having little to no transportation and you can connect with those in your community at the market and enjoy the outdoors.

  9. Cloth Napkins. Ditch the paper napkins that wind up in the trash after one meal and use cloth napkins. Your meals will be a touch more elegant and fancier.

  10. Reusable Water Bottles. Instead of buying single use plastic water bottles, invest in reusable water bottles made from stainless steel, glass, or BPA-free plastic. This will reduce plastic waste and conserve resources. Plus, you save money by not buying cases of plastic water every week.

By making one, or many, small household swaps we can live more sustainably and make a positive impact on the world and on our health. Reducing our carbon footprint, conserving resources, and protecting the planet for future generations is important, so let’s commit to making at least one change this Earth Day!


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