Tips for Decluttering While Spring Cleaning


Full disclosure, I dislike cleaning. Like, really dislike it. It’s part of life, but still. Despite my annual dread when spring rolls around and the term “spring cleaning” starts trending, I do get excited about one aspect of spring cleaning that is NOT cleaning. Decluttering. Yes, you read that right! Spring cleaning is the perfect time to declutter, and I am game for that part! (I am an expert organizer, so that’s to be expected I suppose!)

To get you on board, here are some benefits that happen when you incorporate decluttering with spring cleaning:

  1. You can use this time-honored tradition to assess your belongings – clothing, toys, kitchen gadgets, random chargers, and old VHS tapes in the back of the entertainment center. Spring cleaning is already on the calendar so use the time wisely and declutter!

  2. Your seasonal clothing switch will be more efficient next fall and winter. Go through each fall and winter clothing item and keep only what you’ve worn this past winter. Recycle/donate/sell clothing and shoes that are damaged, don’t fit, and that you just don’t like wearing. Next fall the seasonal clothing switch will be a breeze. This is the ultimate way of doing your future self a favor!

  3. You free up physical and mental space. You will venture into the carefree summer months with less stress and a sense of calm.

  4. Have kiddos? Now is the time to prep for summer break. Get your house ready so those good habits and routines start now. That way you won’t be begging for school three weeks into break. (But I won’t judge if you do!).

You might be saying, “OK, I’m sold, but how do I make the most of my spring-cleaning efforts?” Ask no more! Here are a few tips:

  1. Plan. I like to make a list of to-dos broken down by room. Some people like to group by the type of chore. It’s up to you. Just take time to think about the areas of your home that need the most attention. Once you have that list, set a schedule.

  2. Start small. It’s overwhelming to tackle your entire home in one day and a lot of pressure on yourself to do an entire home in a day. Be kind to yourself, and realistic. Start with one room or area and work your way through your list over a week or two. Or three.

  3. Categorize items leaving your home. As you declutter, sort the belongings leaving your home into categories: donate, sell, recycle, trash. Get rid of the donate, recycle, and trash items ASAP. For the sell items, give yourself a deadline and if they are still in your home when the deadline hits, it’s time to donate.

  4. Get organized (my favorite!!!). Once your home is decluttered and clean, it is the time to fine tune your storage system with bins and baskets. Just in time for summer!

Spring cleaning is the perfect time to not only clean (*sigh*, it must be done), but to declutter and organize your home and mind. You wind up creating a peaceful and functional living space as you venture into the summer months. Your home (and your sanity) will thank you. You got this!


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