What Can Organization Do for You?

Living in an organized home and working in an organized space is a game changer on how you live your daily life. Here are a few benefits of being organized.

Organization Leads to Less Stress.

Stress comes in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual forms – it affects every facet of our life. Less clutter, an organized home and office, a schedule or task list that helps you focus, and healthy food all contribute to less stress and lower cortisol levels. Organization allows you to be in control of your life, be proactive, and respond to the unexpected things life throws at you with more intention. Being organized makes you less stressed. Simple.

Organization Leads to Better Sleep.

We all want more Z’s, am I right?! When you are living amongst clutter, the visual stimuli makes it difficult to turn off your brain in the evening. Once you are organized and decluttered, you can prioritize sleep and not be distracted by clutter. In addition, having an organized schedule and/or task list allows you to focus on priorities so you can rest easy knowing they are complete. Being organized not only helps eliminate clutter and stress but allows your brain to rest so you can get the sleep you need (and be less stressed!).

Organization Encourages Healthy Food Choices.

Disorganization leads to impulsive eating and less healthy food choices. When you are organized, you are more likely to eat healthy food and you have more energy to cook meals and choose snacks that are good for you. Being organized gives you time to plan nutritious meals for the week and you can easily see what food you have in your pantry and refrigerator and freezer. In addition, your counters are clear, and cookware is easy to find so preparing a meal is less stressful and enjoyable.

Organization Saves You Money.

Yes, being organized saves money. Knowing what you have and where it is prevents you from making purchases when you don't need to. Also, you have more meals at home and waste less food which is a bonus for your pocketbook AND the environment.

Organization Helps Improve Focus.

Trying to focus on your child’s soccer game or that Zoom meeting for work, but keep getting distracted by random things on your to do list or the clutter on your desk? When you are organized, everything has a place, and your task list and schedule are planned out so you can focus on what’s in front of you without the distractions.

Organization Enhances Relationships.

When you have an organized schedule and less distractions you show up on time to work, appointments, and gatherings; you make deadlines; and you prioritize your relationships. When living with a partner, the physical clutter and disorganization of one person can cause tension. In addition, too much clutter can cause you to not have family and friends over due to embarrassment. Being organized with your things and schedule helps you grow and maintain important and meaningful relationships.

What are you waiting for? Take that first step and experience the life changing benefits of organization.


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